Superfood Highlight: Spirulina and Blue Majik - What's the Difference? + Health Benefits

Spirulina and Blue Majik (sometimes called blue algae) are two superfoods that may look very different, but are actually not very different from each other! Spirulina is natually dark green in color, while Blue Majik has a vibrant cyan blue color.

What’s the difference between spirulina and Blue Majik?


Both of these superfoods are extracts of blue-green algae. Not to get too scientific, but there are two main compounds in blue-green algae: phycocyanin and chlorophyll. Blue Majik comes from phycocyanin and spirulina comes from chlorophyll. How crazy is it that these two different superfoods actually both come from algae?!

Many of the health benefits of blue majik and spirulina are similar to each other, so we're just going to highlight some of the top benefits of each one. Check out these health benefits of spirulina and Blue Majik

Health Benefits of Spirulina:

  • Spirulina has anti-cancer properties

  • Spirulina has 4x more potassium than bananas, 9x more iron than spinach, and 2x more vitamin A than carrots!

  • The high levels of beta-carotene can help improve digestion

  • Once serving of spirulina contains about 30 calories and offers 7g of protein

Spirulina @ The Herd

The spirulina-containing Green Machine Bowl

The spirulina-containing Green Machine Bowl

Spirulina is found in our PB&J, Happy Hipster, and Electric Green smoothies. It’s also added into our Green Machine smoothie bowl. Spirulina naturally gives these items a nice vibrant green color.

Health Benefits of Blue Majik:

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Supports healthy joints

  • Contains antioxidants

  • Helps increase energy levels

  • May relieve physical discomfort

  • Blue Majik contains 5 calories per serving. This single serving offers 115% RDV of vitamin B12!

Blue Majik @ The Herd

The Mojo Rising Smoothie

The Mojo Rising Smoothie

Not only does Blue Majik have some great health benefits, but it has a beautiful light blue color! You have so many options at The Herd if you want to try Blue Majik. Blue Majik can be found in our Majik Lemonade, Mojo Rising Smoothie, Galaxy Latte and Blue Lagoon Bowl.

Be sure to look at our 100% vegan, gluten-free and organic menu for a full list of ingredients and check out our instagram @theherdjuicery to stay up-to-date with all the happenings!